14 Eylül 2012 Cuma

City to widen 10th Street from Hwy. 63 to Spring Avenue

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The City of Rolla Street Department willbegin a project to widen 10th Street from Hwy. 63 to Spring Avenue onMonday, July 23 at 7 a.m. Thefirst phase of the project will include the excavation of the curb andsidewalk. After the new curb and sidewalk are poured, a two-inch mill andoverlay of asphalt will be applied to this portion of 10thStreet.  This project will also resultin the construction of an additional right turn lane onto Hwy. 63 that willgreatly improve traffic flow and safety at this busy intersection. Cautionsigns will be posted in the construction area, indicating that this is a workzone, and for motorists to please drive carefully. During this time the Cityappreciates the assistance and cooperation of the public. For more information, please call the PublicWorks Department at 364-8659 or visit www.rollacity.org.

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