14 Eylül 2012 Cuma

City of Rolla Mid-Week E-Updates (July 18, 2012)

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Open House to discuss
Country Hills Development set for July 25Thecommunity is invited to attend an Open House to discuss the proposed CountryHills Development project on Wednesday, July 25 from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. in theCouncil Chambers at Rolla City Hall (901 N. Elm Street in downtown Rolla.).TheCounty Hills development, located off Rolla Street between Victoria Lane andChristy Drive, is a single-family housing project, being proposed by theSpringfield based developer, Housing Plus, LLC. The project consists of 34single-family homes, with approximately 1,350-square-feet of living space. Thedevelopment has received broad support in Rolla and was given a strongendorsement by the Missouri Housing Development Commission (MHDC), last yearwhen the City first applied for funding through MHDC for this project. TheCountry Hills Development project is designed to fill a much-needed gap inavailable affordable single-family homes in Rolla. The project will servefamilies at or below 60% of Rolla’s median income as well as families needingaffordable workforce housing in the 60% to 80% median income bracket. “Rolladoes not have a project of this type targeted to the single-family market madeeconomically viable through the use of housing tax credits provided by MHDC,”said John Petersen, the City’s Director of Community Development. “The proposedproject is made even more attractive because it comes with a path to homeownership for the residents and focuses on working families’ housing needs.”Formore information, please contact John Petersen, Director of CommunityDevelopment, at 573-426-6970.
MayorJenks receivesEdwinDalstromDistinguishedService AwardRollaMayor Bill Jenks, III was presented the Edwin Dalstrom Distinguished ServiceAward by Rolla PD Captain Jason Smith, (pictured right), past president of the Rolla Lions Club,at the Rolla City Council meeting on July 17.Theaward, which is named for the Mid-South Lions Sight and Hearing Service’s firstpresident, Edwin Dalstrom, is the highest honor that a Lions Club can bestowthrough the organization. Lions Clubs can honor a club member or a member oftheir community with this prestigious award by making a $1,000 contribution toMid-South Lions Sight and Hearing Service. The Dalstrom award is awarded to aclub or community member who has demonstrated exceptional humanitarian serviceto the community. The award can be received only once.  “MayorJenks has been described by many in the area as Rolla's biggest cheerleader,”said Capt. Smith. “It is very common to see him out in the communityvolunteering at various events and he is always recognizing others for all of theirhard work in our community. However, he is rarely recognized for all of thegreat things that he does for our community.” It is for that reason that theRolla Lions Club presented Mayor Jenks with this distinguished service award,said Smith.Jenks,who is serving his second 4-year term as Mayor of Rolla, and was presented theprestigious Missourian Award last year, said he was totally caught off guard bythe presentation.“Iappreciate it very much,” said Mayor Jenks. “And I appreciate the Rolla LionsClub and all they do for the Mid-South Lions Sight and Hearing Service, LionsClub Park and the entire Rolla community.   Burnban back ineffectDueto the continued extremely dry and drought-like conditions in Rolla and PhelpsCounty, the fire hazard for the area continues to be severe. City of Rolla Fire& Rescue, and other Fire Departments in Phelps County are again joiningtogether to announce and enforce an open burning ban.Withthe extreme weather conditions, effective immediately, by the order of RobertWilliams, Fire Chief, open burning in Rolla and other cities and towns inPhelps County will not be permitted until such time it is safe to lift the burnban. “Thetwo thunder storms we had about a week ago helped offset the fire hazard to acertain degree, but unfortunately they did not make a long-lasting impact onthe draught-like conditions we are facing in Rolla and Phelps County,” saidChief Williams. “There is unfortunately very little rain projected in theimmediate forecast, and it doesn’t look like we will see much relief for quiteawhile.” For more information, please feel freeto contact Robert Williams, Fire Chief or Ron Smith, Training Officer at(573)364-3989. 
International IdolTalent Competitionauditions, Sept. 6Doyou sing, dance, rap, act, or play a musical instrument? Talented communitymembers (all ages and acts are welcome) are invited to audition for theInternational Idol competition on Thursday, Sept. 6 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. atthe Havener Center, Meramec Room, on the Missouri S&T campus.Thefinal competition will be held during the 3rd Annual Celebration ofNations event on Saturday, Sept. 29 at the Downtown Bandshell (located at thecorner of 9th and Oak Street.) Group and individual prizes will beawarded.Tosign up or for more information, please contact Rebecca Holmes at rmhq57@mst.edu or Barbi Spencer at spencerbar@mst.edu. Celebrationof Nations was created to promote awareness, understanding and the celebrationof the vibrant cultural diversity that makes Rolla unique to the Ozarks. ”One Campus. One Community. OneWorld.”
Rolla Downtown Farmer’s Marketopen every TuesdayTheRolla Downtown Farmer’s Market is open and operating under the new shadestructure in the lower parking lot of Rolla City Hall from 7 a.m. until 12-nooneach Tuesday throughout the growing season.TheFarmer’s Market is coordinated by Roy Fiscus and Wilma Bingham, and spots areavailable for vendors to sell their items, but they must be locally grown ormade products/produce (Phelps County). Noflea market, yard sale type items will be permitted. All spots are first come,first served. The cost to host a booth is $2 per day, which is given to theorganizers the day the vendors are there. Foradditional information, please contact Roy Fiscus at 341-8045 or Wilma Binghamat 364-5544.
Cityurges propertyownersto displayaddressnumbersTheCity of Rolla Fire and Rescue is conducting their annual business safety inspections,and one of the items they check for is a visible and conspicuous address numberto identify the location of each business. Byproperly displaying address numerals that contrast with the color of thedwelling, fire, safety and medical responders can more quickly identify aproperty when responding to an emergency call, or during other safety ormedical related matters. “Whenlives are at risk, visible property address numbers really count,” said FireChief Robert Williams, City of Rolla Fire & Rescue. “And emergency servicespersonnel don’t need to be wasting your time guessing at addresses.”Inaddition, property owners who have recently remodeled or re-sided their homes,or whose address numbers are not visible, need to ensure their street orproperty address is easily identifiable somewhere on the structure and visiblefrom the street. A violation of the requirements of thisOrdinance shall constitute an offense which could be punishable by a fine notto exceed $50. Thisrequirement is in keeping with the City’s Ordinance relating to Chapter 6 (Sec.6-1, Article 1 – In General) “Streetnumbers required of property owners on dwelling or structure.” If you have any questions relating to theserequirements, please contact Rolla City Administration at 426-6948.

Environmental Services Important Dates

 (clip & save coupon)Sept. 3, 2012 - Labor Day:  Monday’s trashwill be picked up Tuesday; Tuesday’s trash will be picked up Wednesday.Oct. 6, 2012- Citywide Fall Clean Up: Saturday - Citywide clean up day(residential only).Nov. 22, 2012– Thanksgiving Day:  Thursday’s trash will be picked upWednesday.Dec. 25, 2012 ChristmasDay:  Tuesday’s trash will be pickedup Wednesday..HolidaysNOT affecting trash or recycling collection:            Oct. 8, 2012 – Columbus Day            Nov. 12, 2012 – Veteran’s DayNov. 23, 2012 – Day after Thanksgiving
Rolla Channel 16live streaming24/7 on the Web Ifyou happen to miss the airing of a Rolla City Council meeting, Planning &Zoning meeting, Rolla Public School Board meeting or Board of Public Worksmeeting, you can now watch them live on the Rolla Channel 16 Website at http://rollachannel16.com. RollaChannel 16, Rolla’s premiere Education and Government channel, is also now livestreaming (24/7) at http://rollachannel16.com.RC16 is live streaming all Rolla City Council meetings, Rolla Planning &Zoning Commission meetings, Rolla Public Schools board meetings, Rolla HighSchool Review and “City Minutes” hosted by the City of Rolla’s CommunicationsOffice. Othersyndicated content on RC16 such as Missouri Outdoors, Army Newswatch, andCapitol Dialogue will also live stream on RC16 at http://rollachannel16.com. Formore information regarding programming or DVD duplication of Rolla City Councilmeetings, Rolla Planning & Zoning meetings, and Rolla Public Schools boardmeetings, etc., please contact Gabe Mankin, Digital Media Operations Manager, at(573) 426-3377 or at Gabe.Mankin@fidelitycommunications.com.Besure to watch Rolla Channel 16 – Education, Government and Community for you!
UpcomingEvents AUGUST 2012Aug. 2 – Board of Adjustment Mtg. (5:30 p.m.)Aug. 6 – City Council Mtg. (6:30 p.m.)Aug. 11 – Cruise In (5-8 p.m.), JC Penney parking lot, SouthSide Shoppers WorldAug. 18 – Relay for Life (noon-midnight); Lions Club Park, Hwy.63 SouthAug. 20 – City Council Mtg. (6:30 p.m.)Aug. 24 – 4th Annual Bulldog Pride Night (5:30 p.m.);Rolla High School – Lions Memorial Stadium
SEPTEMBER 2012Sept. 3 – City Hall closed for Labor Day holiday Sept. 5 – City Council Mtg. (6:30 p.m.)Sept. 6 – International Idol Talent Competition Auditions (6-8p.m.); Havener Center (to register, contact Rebecca Holmes at rmhq57@mst.edu) Sept. 8 – Cruise In (5-8 p.m.) JC Penney Parking Lot, SouthsideShoppers WorldSept. 17 – City Council Mtg. (6:30 p.m.)Sept. 29 – 3rd Annual Celebration of Nations (11 a.m.– 4 p.m.); Downtown Festival Park
Scott A. GrahlCommunications DirectorCity of Rolla, Missouri(573) 426-6943Follow us on Facebook & Twitter at www.rollacity.org

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